Congratulations to Amy Cook!
November 4, 2014

From this week's PW rights report:

Andrea Cascardi at Egmont USA has bought a contemporary YA novel by debut author Amy Allgeyer Cook. In Water for Starfish, pitched as an Erin Brockovich story set in coal country, 17-year-old Liberty is sent to live with her grandmother in Kentucky after her mother is arrested during a protest. Liberty discovers that the water has turned orange and starts questioning whether the new mining process might be the cause, opening a Pandora's box of problems. Publication is slated for 2016; Danielle Chiotti at Upstart Crow brokered the deal for North American rights.

When I read Amy's novel on submission, it was clear from the first page that she is one of those rare talents who can write funny, smart, and beautiful all at once. Water for Starfish is the complete package.Congratulations, Amy!