Meher Manda is a writer, culture critic, editor, and educator, fully formed in Bombay, India, though currently stationed in The U S of A. She's the author of the poetry chapbook Busted Models (No, Dear / Small Anchor, 2019) and her work has been published in The Margins, Los Angeles Review, Catapult, Epiphany, Kweli, Cosmonauts Avenue, and elsewhere. As a journalist, she writes about the intersection of culture and politics, with a focus on South Asian works of art. Her work can be found at The Juggernaut, The Guardian, Bustle, Scroll, Firstpost, and elsewhere.

A Best New Poets and Best of the Net Anthology nominee, she has received fellowships and grants from The Polis Project, DreamYard, Teachers & Writers Collaborative, and J. N. Tata Endowment for Higher Education.  She is currently collaborating on a political graphic novel, A TOWN LIKE EVERY OTHER,  forthcoming from Hachette India in 2025. She is also working on a debut short story collection and a novel.